#MyGalileoSolution #UseGalileo
The Virtual Office’s Galileo Based Encrypter – VO GLOBE – uses a novel location dependent approach for incorporating location information into data encryption and transmission.
GLOBE allows the encryption of data as well as decryption for a specific location(s) or specific area(s) e.g. college campus area or in a particular building.
Constraints in time as well as velocity can also be added with respect to the location while encryption. Geoencryption can be used with both fixed and mobile applications and supports a wide range of data sharing and distribution policies.
The GLOBE’s concept is designed to take advantage of the Galileo differentiators, in particular while:
- GLOBE will exploit the Galileo high accuracy positioning data through the use of dual frequency (L1/L5), which will be particularly useful within dense urban environments
- Legacy location based encryption designs have significant weaknesses due to spoofing of the location signal. The GLOBE’s technology will make use of Galileo Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OS-NMA) version 1.0 and spoofing methods to trap fake GNSS both on the mobile and server side
#MyGalileoSolution is the biggest competition ever organized by the European GNSS Agency(GSA), with a prize pool of almost EUR 1.5 million to be shared by the 50 teams, including six finalists, with awards ranging from EUR 15,000 to EUR 60,000. The six winners will be announced on 2 March 2021.

About Virtual Angle BV
Virtual Angle BV is a global provider of integrated systems in the areas of Information Technologies, Security, Design, Communication, and Branding. Virtual Angle BV has offices in Noordwijk (The Netherlands), and since its creation, in 2004, Virtual Angle BV is committed to offer competent, professional expertise and teamwork providing excellent services and products with efficiency, integrity, and cost-effectiveness. By doing so, the company has worked with some of the most prestigious organizations at the international level, such as the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Commission among several other relevant organizations.
For further information about Virtual Angle BV. please visit http://www.virtualangle.com